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Continuum of Care (CoC)


The Housing and Workforce Solutions (HWS) Department’s CoC Division’s primary purpose is to develop and maintain an effective county-wide Continuum of Care. The Continuum of Care oversees our community's plan to organize and deliver supportive social services, including housing options, which meet the specific needs of homeless individuals and families. The goal of the Continuum is to move homeless people toward stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency.

Some of the CoC’s activities include the annual HUD Continuum of Care Programs Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) for homeless services and housing programs, the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) NOFA and the Homeless Point in Time Count , a survey of homeless individuals in the whole county.


Riverside Continuum of Care established a Coordinated Entry System (CES) called HomeConnect. CES is the access point for federally-funded, state-funded and locally-funded homeless services in Riverside County.

All referrals for the housing programs are received through the County of Riverside Coordinated Entry System (CES), Home Connect program. If you are homeless and in need of housing, please call Home Connect at 1-800-498-8847. You will be connected with a staff member from an agency in Riverside County who will assist you in the process of securing housing. Homeconnect Flyer, Homeconnect Flyer-Spanish

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