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Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. Each HUD funded Continuum of Care (CoC) is responsible for selecting an HMIS software solution that complies with the requirements from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on data collection, management, and reporting standards.

The Housing & Workforce Solutions (HWS) Department serves as the HUD Collaborative Applicant and is responsible for administering HMIS for the County of Riverside Continuum of Care and serving as the HMIS Lead Organization. HWS has the "responsibility to establish, support and manage HMIS in a manner that will meet HUD's standards for data quality, privacy, security and other requirements for organizations participating in HMIS".

Homeless Management Information System Statistics

441 Clarity Agency Users
55 Agencies in HMIS
277 Projects in HMIS


Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA): is an annual process conducted the HUD where all aspects of HMIS and client records are analyzed to ensure that they adhere to HUD’s regulations and recommendations. To ensure that Riverside County CoC passes the LSA with the highest level of data quality with no findings or warnings found, agencies will need to update and fix all client records to comply with LSA requirements. Data Quality Reports for programs that have been flagged by Clarity to have data quality errors are being sent out to agencies routinely. The areas reviewed include but are not limited to:

  1. Agency Data Quality
  2. Client Record Enrollment & Bed Night Overlaps
  3. Bed & Inventory versus Program Capacity
  4. Head of Household
  • ESG-CV2 Launch: For the latest round of ESG-CV funding, 3 brand new agencies have joined Riverside County CoC in utilizing using HMIS Clarity. This includes the creation of 35 new projects into HMIS. This launch was diligently supported by the collaborative efforts of the HMIS and Programs Team. A multi-week ESG-CV bootcamp was held to assist new and continuing agencies during the launch which included detailed live tutorials for each program type.  
  • Coordinated Entry System and VISPDATs: Stemming from a collaborative effort between the HMIS Team and the Coordinated Entry System Team at the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health, a fully integrated Coordinated Entry System has been setup and configured in Clarity HMIS. This development provides HMIS users from all agencies using Clarity, a centralized virtual location to input client information and conduct VISPDAT 2.0 Assessments, which include Family, Individual and TAY VISPDATS.  

Resources and Forms

    Updated HMIS Intake, Annual Assessment, and Exit Forms

    Client Forms

    HMIS Links

    HMIS Setup Form

    HMIS Training

    HMIS Training

    Streamlined HMIS/CES Account Request Process Instructions

    Quick Links to Account Request Resources

    Clarity Embedded Looker Reporting Tool

    HMIS HUD Data Standards

    HMIS Training Recordings


    HMIS Training Manuals & Resource Supplements

    HMIS Administrators Council

    Meeting Agendas and Minutes

    Policies & Standards

    HUD Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX)

    HMIS Newsletters

    Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assessment Tool (VI-SPDAT) Forms