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HOME Investment Partnerships Program Description/History


Under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA), the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program was realized in 1990 and has been persistently amended by subsequent legislation. Regulations for the HOME Program are declared within 24 CFR Part 92.

HOME is the largest Federal block grant to State and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households. These Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) often work in partnership with local nonprofit groups called Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent, homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people.

The County of Riverside has been an active PJ since the inception of the HOME Program in 1992 and has strived to maintain HOME’s design and purpose to reinforce several important values and principles of community development: 

  • HOME's flexibility empowers people and communities to design and implement strategies tailored to their own needs and priorities. To expand the supply of decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing to lower-income households.
  • HOME's emphasis on consolidated planning expands and strengthens partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector in the development of affordable housing.
  • HOME's technical assistance activities and set-aside for qualified community-based nonprofit housing groups builds the capacity of these partners.
  • HOME's requirement that PJs match 25 cents of every dollar in program funds mobilizes community resources in support of affordable housing.

HOME funds are awarded annually as formula grants to participating jurisdictions. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishes HOME Investment Trust Funds for each grantee, providing a line of credit that the jurisdiction may draw upon as needed. The program's flexibility allows States and local governments to use HOME funds for grants, direct loans, loan guarantees or other forms of credit enhancement, rental assistance or security deposits.

Grandparents and grandkids

The County of Riverside has prepared a Consolidated Plan containing specific information on how its HOME allocation will be used. The HOME Program Final Rule governs disbursement of HOME funds for eligible activities.

Housing Priorities established in the County of Riverside Consolidated Plan 2004-2009:

  1. Provide Home Ownership Opportunities for First Time Home Buyers and Home Ownership for the Low and Very Low Income Community.
  2. Improve the Conditions of Substandard Housing and Improve the Conditions of Existing Rental Housing Affordable to Low Income Families.
  3. Address Farm Worker and Migrant Farm Worker Housing Needs in Western Riverside County and in the Coachella Valley.
  4. Expand the Affordable Rental Housing Stock for Low Income and Special Needs Households.
  5. Shelter the Homeless.

Application for funding is currently accepted until all funds are exhausted.

Monitoring Process

HOME Monitoring of Units

Monitoring enables Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) to assess HOME Program performance and ensure that all HOME funds are spent in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the HOME Program.

At a minimum, active and ongoing monitoring is critical to ensuring compliance by a PJ whether the PJ is implementing its HOME-funded activities with its own staff exclusively or utilizing outside subrecipients, state recipients, developers, and/or contractors to do so.

Regulations require that the performance of each contractor and subrecipient receiving HOME funds must be reviewed by PJs. In addition, PJs must also monitor projects throughout the affordability period for applicable HOME compliance area and conduct additional oversight of rental projects by analyzing the projects for financial stability, management capacity and other long-term viability issues.

The three primary goals of monitoring are to:

  1. Ensure production and accountability
  2. Ensure compliance with HOME and other Federal requirements
  3. Evaluate organizational and project performance as well as project viability (financial health, management capacity, etc)

Periodically, documents and forms are required for monitoring and may be downloaded from HOME Documents and Forms. Information such as Utility Allowances and Home Quality Standard requirements may also be downloaded as well.


If you have additional questions, please contact:

HOME Monitoring Staff

Leah Rodriguez, Supervising Development Specialist
[email protected] (760) 863-2534


HOME F.A.Q. – Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the HOME Program?

    The Home Investment Partnerships Program, or HOME Program was created under Title II of the National Housing Act of 1990. The purpose of the program is designed to provide affordable housing to lower-income households, to expand the capacity of non-profit community housing development organizations (CHDOs), and to strengthen the ability of state and local governments to develop and implement affordable housing strategies to local needs and priorities. If you would like additional information about the HOME Program, please visit

    Which communities can use the HOME funds?

    The County of Riverside, as a Participating Jurisdiction, receives HOME funds annually based on a formula allocation. HOME funds can be used to provide a broad range of activities, including new construction, rehabilitation, acquisition of standard housing, assistance to first time homebuyers, and tenant based rental assistance. The County has been a participating jurisdiction since 1992 and currently operates the HOME program in the unincorporated county areas and within fourteen cooperating cities. The participating cities are: Banning, Beaumont, Blythe, Cathedral City, Canyon Lake, Desert Hot Springs, Indio, Lake Elsinore, La Quinta, Murrieta, Norco, Perris, San Jacinto, and Temecula.

    Who are eligible applicants?

    For-profit and non-profit developers and CHDOs proposing activities in the eligible communities are qualified to solicit HOME funds. A minimum of 15% of the total HOME allocation is set aside for CHDOs. A non-profit organization must be certified annually by the County in order to qualify to receive funding under this category. Applicants are encouraged to apply for CHDO certification from the County EDA prior to submitting a proposal.

    What are the eligible activities?

    New construction and acquisition and rehabilitation for both single family and multi-family projects. There is a 25% matching funds requirement from non-federal sources. Assistance is provided in the forms of loans.

    How much funding is available?

    Approximately $1,800,000 is made available annually for housing development with $540,000 of that is reserved exclusively for use by CHDOs.

    What is the application process?

    Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis subject to availability of funds. Proposed developments are evaluated on a competitive basis and meeting the criteria established. An application form with completed supplemental attachments must be submitted to the County in order to be considered. If you wish to submit a HOME and/or CHDO application, please download the appropriate forms from the Applications & Forms page.

    Who can I contact?

    Please see HOME Contact Information.


      HOME Income and Rent Limits for Riverside County

      HOME Accomplishments in Riverside County

      1. Total Funds Expended on Housing by Program.pdf
      2. Funds Expended by Type of Funding.pdf
      3. Type of Housing by Program.pdf
      4. Average Assistance Expended Per Unit by Program.pdf
      5. Units Served Under Home Ownership Programs.pdf
      6. First Time Home Buyer Units Served by Race and Ethnicity.pdf
      7. Income Levels Served by Program.pdf
      8. Funds Expended on Housing Projects by Supervisorial District.pdf
      8a. Funds Expended on Housing Projects by Supervisorial District in Unincorporated Areas. pdf
      8b. Funds Expended on Housing Projects by Supervisorial District Within City Limits.pdf
      9. Housing Units Served by District.pdf
      10. Comparative Program Performance Total Housing Units Served - Home Ownership.pdf
      11. Comparative Program Performance Total Funds Expended for Housing Projects.pdf
      11a. Comparative Program Performance Total Funds Expended in the Unincorporated Areas.pdf
      11b. Comparative Program Performance Total Funds Expended Within the City Limits.pdf
      12. HOME Funds Expended Under the First Time Home Buyer Program in Cooperating Cities.pdf
      13. Funds Expended Under the NSP1 in Cooperating Cities.pdf
      14. Funds Expended Under the NSP3 in Cooperating Cities.pdf
      15. HOME Funds Expended under the HOME Multi-family Program in Cooperating Cities.pdf
      16. HOME Funds Expended under the HOME Multi-family Program in Unincorporated Areas.pdf

      Home Program DASHBOARD Reports

      Home Program Progress Dashboard Report
      SNAPSHOT – Home Program Performance
      ADDI Accomplishment Report – March 2010

      HOME Community Housing Development Organization

      A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a private nonprofit, community-based service organization that has obtained or intends to obtain staff with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the community it serves. As a Participating Jurisdiction, the County of Riverside must set aside at least 15 percent of HOME allocations for housing development activities in which qualified CHDOs are the owners, developers and/or sponsors of the housing.

      For guidance on Community Housing development Organizations under the HOME Program, see CPD Notice 97-11.

      To apply for CHDO certification in the County of Riverside, download the application and submit for review.