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YHDP Background

Riverside County was awarded $7.4 million in Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) funding in September 2023. This funding aims to support selected communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness.

YHDP MISSION: Our mission is to forge a comprehensive approach to not only end youth homelessness but also provide solutions for addressing youth homelessness. We are committed to cultivating a society where every young person has access to a safe, stable home surrounded by supportive networks. In order for youth to deal with different solutions and maintain mental health, this requires the cultivation of healthy coping skills to effectively manage stress and promote overall well-being.

We aim to address not only the immediate needs of homeless youth but also to prevent and intervene in housing crises for at-risk youth. Our strategy involves cross-collaboration and linkage to essential services such as education, housing, and workforce support. Additionally, we assist youth and young adults in developing independent living skills, scheduling appointments, managing finances, pursuing professional development, crafting resumes, applying for jobs, and fostering stability, all while helping them overcome trauma and internal barriers. Our ultimate goal is to create a future where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.

YHDP VISION: Empowering Youth Lives: We are a united community dedicated to eradicating youth homelessness. Through the teaching of self-discipline, we strive to cultivate healthier lifestyles, build self-esteem, nurture stronger bonds and relationships, and foster positive mindsets. As a collective, we envision a future where all youth feel safe, secure, and remain motivated and dedicated to a happy and healthy lifestyle. We will all drive impactful change by encouraging and enduring a sense of intrigue, engagement and the utilization of resilience.

YHDP Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)

YHDP Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)

Youth Action Board (YAB)

Youth Action Board (YAB)